Complaint Against Winnebago County Board


On May 30, 2024, the Veterans Assistance Commission of Winnebago County (VACWC) submitted a certified budget to the County for Fiscal Year 2025, totaling $1,639,803.01. This amount included $875,500.00 for services provided to military veterans and their families including operational costs and $764,303.01 for salaries including employee benefits.

From May 30, 2024 through September 26, 2024 neither the County Board nor the County Finance Committee formally invited the VACWC Superintendent to present on its fiscal year 2025 budget.

On September 26, 2024, the County Board adopted its own budget for the VACWC, appropriating a total of $1,119,000.00. This included $389,696.99 for financial payments and services to veterans and $729,303.01 for operational costs.

A copy of the full complaint can be found here.

Case #: 2025-MR-0000050

Filing Date: 02/06/2025

Next Hearing: 05/15/2025 09:15 AM-CMC (426)  Meeting ID #848 2994 9543


Who determines the budget needed to operate the VACWC.

The budget process begins with the Superintendent conducting an initial assessment to forecast organizational needs. Depending on the circumstances, both historical budgeting and zero-based budgeting approaches are employed. This preliminary budget is then submitted to the VAC Finance Committee for review. Following deliberation, the committee votes and provides a formal recommendation to the full governing body. The Superintendent subsequently presents the budget to the full body, considers the Finance Committee’s recommendation, and takes appropriate action. Upon approval, the finalized budget is submitted to the county for funding.

This finding has been supported by case law such as Veterans Assistance Commission v. County Bd. & Lavite v. Dunstan.

Have salaries increased at the VACWC?


Highest salary at Veterans Assistance Commission of Winnebago County in year 2023 was $43,560. Number of employees at Veterans Assistance Commission of Winnebago County in year 2023 was 9. Average annual salary was $23,787 and median salary was $20,736. Veterans Assistance Commission of Winnebago County average salary is 49 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 52 percent lower than USA median salary. Additionally, employees were unbenefited and worked 30 hours a week.

What are the salary ranges now for VSOs at the VACWC?

$55,320 - $74,652 as of FY 2025

What's the average salary of a Veteran Service Officer at the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs

The estimated total pay range for a Veteran Service Officer at Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs is $64K–$92K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Veteran Service Officer base salary at Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs is $77K per year. The average additional pay is $0 per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.,63.htm

Did the VACWC try to remedy this directly with Winnebago County first?

The Superintendent, Board Chairman, Winnebago County State's Attorney, and others held multiple meetings to discuss concerns regarding the VACWC budget after the start of the 2025 fiscal year. However, none of these discussions directly addressed resolving the 2025 budget deficit for the VACWC.

In a letter to the VACWC, State's Attorney J. Hanley stated that the county board had established a budget for the VACWC that aligned with their perceived funding limitations.

Would it have been necessary to increase real estate taxes to meet the VACWC budget requirements?


The Fiscal Year 2025 county budget included 227 lines under the Supplies & Services category which received an additional $5,835,433.86 in funding compared to the two-year average. While some lines were not allocated additional funding, this analysis highlights that adequate funding for the VACWC was indeed available without imposing any additional burden on taxpayers. Winnebago County Il FY 2025 Budget

A line by line review of 227 line items in the Supplies & Services category can be viewed here.

Why file the complaint against Winnebago County?

The MVAA instructs the Superintendent of a VAC to file for a relief by mandamus if the county board fails or refuses to fund the VACs budget.

330 ILCS 45/2(2) "If any supervisor of general assistance or county board fails or refuses after such recommendation to provide just and necessary sums of money for such assistance, then the veteran service organization or the superintendent of any Veterans' Assistance Commission located in the district of such supervisor of general assistance or such county board shall apply to the circuit court of the district or county for relief by mandamus upon the supervisor of general assistance or county board requiring him, her or it to pay, or to appropriate and pay such sums of money, and upon proof made of the justice and necessity of the claim, the circuit court shall grant the sums so requested."

What is relief by mandamus?

A relief by mandamus refers to a legal remedy in which a court issues a writ of mandamus, compelling a public official, government agency, or lower court to perform a duty they are legally required to fulfill but have refused or failed to do. This writ is used when there is no other adequate legal remedy available.

Was the VACWC given an opportunity to present its budget to the County Board?


The VACWC was not formally notified about any change to its budget.

Does the Commission Support the Superintendent?


Please watch the video below.