Fellow Veteran,Please try to make it to this month’s meeting – either in person at Memorial Hall or online via Zoom at the link below.
I look forward to seeing everyone in person or on Zoom.
Our January 28 at 5pm chapter meeting has the following agenda items:
1) Service Officer update
2) Brandon Franco from the new Rosecrance Veterans Services program will talk about their effort to provide comprehensive case management for veterans. This includes conducting thorough intake and assessment processes to identify and address the specific needs of each veteran, ranging from housing, clothing, and food/water to financial assistance, legal support, and more.
3) Winnebago County Veterans Assistance Commission “Operation 540” — Currently, Illinois counties average a 23% service connection rate for veterans. However, Winnebago County ranks 96th out of 102 counties, with only 2,951 of its 15,183 veterans—a mere 19%—receiving service-connected benefits. This initiative seeks to ensure veterans are fully aware of and can access the benefits they have earned. VACWC encourages all veterans to take advantage of this opportunity by scheduling an appointment with one of our accredited Veteran Service Officers.
3) Annual Chapter giving
4) Potential opportunities for DAV to provide support.
– Todd